
Publications in and "Islamic Tourism" (2004-2006)


Islam and Muslims in Germany (co-editor with Jörn Thielmann). Leiden: E.J. Brill. ISBN: 9004158669 (Muslim Minorities 7, 2008).

Winner of the "Outstanding Academic Title Award" 2008 by Choice Magazine.


"Neoliberal Urbanization Economy and Processes: e.g. New Cairo", paper presented at CEDEJ-GTZ Séminaire "Fabrique urbaine et développement durable au Caire et en Egypte", Cairo/ Egypt, 23rd January 2011


"Globalization of Higher Education in the Arab Wold - Models, Chances and Challenges", paper presented at the international workshop on "Higher Education and Universities in the Arab World" organized by Social Sciences Research Concil/ New York, Beirut, 10-11 January 2010

"Transnationality in Practice? The Remigration of Naturalized High Educated Immigrants in Germany", guest lecture in "Ringvorlesung: Migration", Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Mainz, 13th January 2010

"English language in Arab academia and research – an instrument of exclusion?", paper presented at the regional workshop on "Promotion Regulations in Arab Universities", American University in Beirut, 11-12 February 2010

"Globalization of Higher Education in the Arab Wold between Local Commercialization and International Development Aid", paper presented at the "Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS) International Conference", Pusan University of Foreign Studies, Pusan/ Korea, 29 April - 1 May 2010

"Redefining and Reconstructing Emirati Identity in Globalized University Campuses", paper presented at the 2010 Exeter Gulf Studies Conference, Center of Gulf Studies, University of Exeter, Exeter/ UK, 30 June - 3 July 2010

"Heliopolis for the Neoliberals?: The New Cairo as an Urban Space of Identity", paper presented at the Third World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), Barcelona/ Spain, 19 - 24 July 2010


"Globalisierung von Hochschulbildung in der Arabischen Welt: Eine Chance für die internationale Expansion deutscher Hochschulen?", in Maaß, Kurt-Jürgen, Bernd Tharun (Hrsg.): Deutsche Hochschulen im Dialog mit der Arabischen Welt. - Wissensraum Europa-Mittelmeer, Bd. 1, Karlsruhe, 2009, S. 11-24

"Jordanien - Hochschulbildung zwischen Liberalisierung, Export und Capacity Building", inamo, No 59, Herbst 2009 (32-35)

"Clobal, Glocal or Local Crises? The Political Economy of Crises Management in Dubai", Paper presented at the 16the DAVO Congress, University of Bonn, 8-10 October 2009

"Lost in Globalization - German Export of Higher Education in the Arab World between Commercialization and Capacity-Building", Paper presented at the 16the DAVO Congress, University of Bonn, 8-10 October 2009

"Globalization of Higher Education in the Arab World - Factors and Modes of Internationalization", paper presented at the international conference GEOGRAPHIES OF EDUCATION,
Loughborough University, UK, 8th-9th September 2009

"Sneaking Disaster in the Oases? - Climate Change and Tourism in the Oases in the Arab World", Paper presented at the international symposium "Travel and Tourism in the Age of Climate Change", Centops, University of Brighton, Eastourne, UK, 9 July 2009

"Re-Thinking the Educational Frontier: The Political Economy of Globalizing Higher Education in the Arab World", Paper presented at the BRISMES Annual Conference, Manchester, UK, 4 July 2009

"International Tourism in the Arab World after 9/11 - Trends and Dynamics", Guest Lecture at the Westcoast University of Applied Sciences, Heide, Germany, 5 June 2009

"Non-Western Tourism Behaviour - Islamic Tourism as an Example", paper presented at the "International Tourism Seminar - Tourism and non-Western Countries", University of Sunderland, UK, 18 May 2009

"Globalisation of Higher Education in the Arab World - Chances and Challenges in the XXI Century", guest lecture at the Middlesex University Dubai, Dubai/ UAE, 6th May 2009

It was a fair War – The Touristic Re-Presentation of the Military Heritage of El Alamein", Paper presented at the International Conference "Traditions and Transformations: Tourism, Heritage and Cultural Change in the MENA Region", Amman, Jordan, 4-7 April 2009

"Mediterranean–Sea of Knowledge Exchange? The European Dimension of Internationalization of Higher Education in the Arab World", Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Mediterranean Studies, THE ATHENS INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION AND RESEARCH (AT.IN.E.R.), Athens, Greece, 9-12 April 2009


"Islamischer Tourismus? – Der internationale Tourismus in der arabischen Welt im Wandel", Lecture at the "Bayerisches Orientkolloquium der Universitäten Bamberg und Erlangen Nürnberg", University of Erlangen, 13.11.2008

"The Political Economy of Globalizing Higher Education in Jordan", Paper presented at the 15the DAVO Congress, University of Erfurt, 2-4 October 2008

"Higher Education in the Arab World - New Strategies of Expansion and Models of International Cooperation", Paper presented at the 15the DAVO Congress, University of Erfurt, 2-4 October 2008 (joint paper with prof. Guenter Meyer)

"Globalization and Internationalization of Higher Education in the Arab World", Guest Lecture at the Center for Oriental Languages and Cultures, Kliment Okhridsky-University of Sofia, Sofia-Bulgaria (04.09.2008)

"Globalization and Internationalization of Higher Education in the Arab World", Guest Lecture at the Faculty of Geography, Kiev National University - T. Shevtetchenko, Kiev-Ukraine (09.09.2008)

"International Tourism in the Arab World after 9/11 - Trends and Dynamics", Guest Lecture at the Faculty of Geography, Kiev National University - T. Shevtetchenko, Kiev-Ukraine (11.09.2008)

"Internationalisation and Globalization of Higher Education in Jordan, Syria and the UAE", Paper presented at the BRISMES Annual Conference, University of Leeds, 4-6 July 2008 (joint paper with prof. Guenter Meyer)

"Stereotyping the West and Reviving Non-Liberal Values by some Arab Returned Migrants", Paper presented at the BRISMES Annual Conference, University of Leeds, 4-6 July 2008

Arab-German Remigration, ISIM Review, No. 21, Spring 2008, (P. 26-27)

"Heritage Reloaded – Postmodern Spatial Representations of Heritage for Tourism in the Arab World", Paper presented at the ATLAS Annual Conference, University of Brighton, 2-4 July 2008

"Internationalizing the higher education in the Arab World – business, capacity building, know-how transfer and intercultural dialogue?", Paper presented at the 9th ICCMES Conference, Victoria BC, Canada, 28-30 March (joint paper with prof. Guenter Meyer)


"Remigrantal Occidentalism? - Stereotyping the "West" and Reviving Non-liberal Values by Arab Re-Migrants", Paper presented at the international conference "The Challenges of Transformation - Visions and revisions of the Middle east and North Africa". Freie Universität-Berlin and Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin, 12-14 December

"Gazing the Stereotyped Other - Tourism and Postmodernity in the Arab World", Paper presented at Max-Plank-Institute for Social Anthropology and Institute for Social Anthropolgy/ University of Halle (MLU), Halle, Germany, 16th of October 2007

"Berlin - Re-thinking Cultural Heritage for Urban Tourism", Paper presented at the "International Encounter of Urban and Cultural Tourism" / Forum of Cultures, Monterrey, Mexico, 27-29 September 2007

"Deutsche Kooperationsnetzwerke mit arabischen Hochschulen", Paper presented at the workshop "“Der Beitrag der Hochschulen zum Euro-islamischen Dialog” (WIKA/IfA), University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, 19-20 July 2007 (with Prof. Dr. Günter Meyer)

"Katar" , in Walter Weiss (Hrsg.), Die Arabischen Staaten - Geschichte, Politik, Religion, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft. Palmyra Verlag, Heidelberg (S. 120 - 132)

"Vereinigte Arabische Emiraten" , in Walter Weiss (Hrsg.), Die Arabischen Staaten - Geschichte, Politik, Religion, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft. Palmyra Verlag, Heidelberg (S. 350 - 366)


"Oases in the Arab World - Re-Thinking a Classification of Oases for a Possible Sustainable Development" , Paper presented at the "First International Congress on Oasis and Sustainable Tourism", Elche (Alicante), Spain, 14-16 December 2006

"Geographien der Postmoderne im Tourismus der Arabischen Welt" , Paper presented at the 37th Meeting of the German Working Group on Geography of Tourism and Recreation (Arbeitskreis Freizeit-, und Tourismusgeographie / DGFG), Eichstätt, 19-20 October 2007

"Higher Education in the Arab World between Globalization and Internationalization" (in Arabic), Deutsche Welle / Internet Edition.,2144,2139147,00.html

"International Universities in the Arab World - Education, Business and Tourism" , Islamic Tourism, No. 25, September-October (P. 46-48)

"International Tourism, Security and Intercultural Dialogue in the Arab World", International Journal of Muslim Unity, Vol. 4, No 2, December 2006 (P. 45-57)

"International Mobility, Security and Intercultural Dialogue in the Arab World - Spatial Segregation or Bridging the Gabs" , in The Muslim World and the West: Barriers and Bridges. IIMU, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (P. 261-271)

"German-Arab Cooperation in Education and Science and the Intercultural Dialogue - An Arab Perspective" , in Mediterranean Sea - Gap or Bridge? - (Trialogue of Culture 10). Herbert-Quandt-Stiftung, Bad Homburg (S. 118-122)

"Krisen, Kriege, Katastrophen und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Tourismusmarkt" (co-author with Christian Steiner and Günter Meyer), Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, No. 2, 2006 (P. 98-108)

"Arabischer Medizintourismus in Deutschland" , Islamischer Tourismus, No. 21, Januar-Februar 2006 (S. 20-22)

"Economic Growth, Social Development and International Tourism - Cases from the Arab World" , Paper presented at the international conference "Inequality and Growth in the Age of Tourism", School of Service Management, University of Brighton, Eastbourne, UK, 22-23 June 2006

"Orientalizing the Orient - Postmodern Geographies of Tourism in the Arab World" , Paper presented at the Second World Congress of Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES-2), Amman, Jordan, 11-17 June 2006


"The Arab-Israeli Conflict in the Egyptian Film" , in Anton Escher and Thomas Koebner (Ed.), Mythos Ägypten (West-Östliche Medienperspektive II), Gardez! Verlag, Remschied, Germany (P. 99-122)

"International Tourism versus Terrorism" , Islamic Tourism, No 19, September-October 2005, (P. 30-32)

"New Trends in Tourism in The Arab World after 9/11" , Paper presented at the EURAMES/BRISMES Conference, University of Durham, Durham, UK, 12-16 September 2005

"Security Fence or Instrument of Spatial Control? The Israeli Wall on Palestinian Territory" , Paper presented at the EURAMES/BRISMES Conference, University of Durham, Durham, UK, 12-16 September 2005

“Discovering the Other: ‘Arab/Jewish’ Youth Encounters in Arab Films” , in Jorgen Baek Simonsen (Ed.), Youth and Youth Culture in the Contemporary Middle East (Proceedings of the Danish Institute in Damascus 3), Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, Denmark, 2005

"Intraregional Tourism in the Arab World after 9/11 – Economic Integration or Cultural Isolation?" , Paper presented at the international conference "The End of Tourism? Mobility and Local-Global Connections", School of Service Management, University of Brighton, Eastbourne, UK, 23-24 June 2005


“The Palestinian Refugee Camps in Jordan: Between National Identity and Socio-economic Integration” , Holy Land Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, March, 2004

Islamic Tourism” – Re-Thinking the Strategies of Tourism Development in the Arab World After 9/11 " , (co-author with Christian Steiner), Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Vol. 24, No. 1, Spring, 2004

"Palästinensische Flüchtlinge in Jordanien: zwischen Integration, Assimilation und Rückkehr" , in Günter Meyer (Hrsg.), Die Arabische Welt im Spiegel der Kulturgeographie, ZEFAW, Mainz, Band 1, 2004

"Islamischer Tourismus - Eine Chance für die Arabische Welt?" , in Günter Meyer (Hrsg.), Die Arabische Welt im Spiegel der Kulturgeographie, ZEFAW, Mainz, Band 1, 2004

"Re-Arabisierung arabischer Einwanderer in Deutschland durch Satellitenfernsehen" , in Günter Meyer (Hrsg.), Die Arabische Welt im Spiegel der Kulturgeographie, ZEFAW, Mainz, Band 1, 2004

"Islamic Tourism - A New Strategy of Tourist Industries in the Arab World after 9/11?" , Paper presented at the Annual BRISMES Conference, London, 5-7 July, 2004

"Das arabisch-islamische Sharjah - eine alternative Strategie der Tourismusentwicklung im Schatten des kosmopolitischen Dubai" , Paper presented at the 11th DAVO-Congress, Halle / Germany, 20-24 September 2004

"Cinematic Migrations to the "West" in Egyptian Film" , Paper presented at the 11th DAVO-Congress, Halle / Germany, 20-24 September 2004

Co-Chair and Co-Organizer (with Dr. Ruth Roded) of a panel on "Cinematic Islam - Muslims in Cinema" at the 11th DAVO-Congress, Halle / Germany, 20-24 September 2004

“Greater Middle East and Middle East Partnerships Initiatives - Lessons from the EURO-MED Partnership” , Presentation at an International Meeting on “Drawing a Greater Middle East”, State University of California, Fullerton, 18 th November 2004

“Islamic Tourism in the Arab World after 9/11 - Strengthen Regionalization in a Global World? , Paper presented at the Annual MESA Conference, San Francisco, 20-24 November 2004


Chair , at the International Conference on “Migration in the Arab Middle East”, organized by IFPO and KAS, Amman-Jordan, 15-18 June 2003

“The Culture of Return of the Palestinian Refugees: A Geo-Hermeneutic Approach - Identity, Memory, Exile and Homeland “ ,Paper presented at the international conference on “Israel and Palestinian Refugees”, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public and International Law, Heidelberg-Germany, 11-13 July 2003

“Islamic Tourism” in the Arab World - A True Perspective after 9/11 ? , Paper presented at the Tenth DAVO Congress, Hamburg, Germany, 20-22 November 2003

“Islamic Tourism in the Arab World: Concepts and Implementations” , Paper presented at Summer School on “Economic Integration, Financial Markets and Cooperation: Experiences and Perspectives of Europe and the Arab-Islamic World in the 21st Century”, Center of Excellence - Economics, Islam and Development, Ruhr University-Bochum, Germany, 6-14 December 2003

“Spaces of Frustration” Spatial Aspects of Social and Economic Disappointments of Disadvantaged Urban Youth (e.g. Amman Metropolitan Area)” , Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Social Sciences, University of Kuwait, Kuwait 6-8 December 2003


The Social and political Effects of the Transformation Processes in Palestinian Refugee Camps in the Amman Metropolitan Area”, in Joffe, G-E., (ed.), “Jordan in Transition 1990-2000”, Hurst & Co., London, UK, 2002

Co-Director of Workshop on “The Palestinians: From Refugees to Citizens. Their Current and Future Status” at the Third Mediterranean Meeting, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, March 2002

Spaces of Identity - Spaces of Integration. The Palestinian Refugee Camps in Jordan Between Comprehensive Integration and Vital Identity”, Paper presented at the Third Mediterranean Meeting, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, March 2002

Transformations of Al-Wihdat Refugee Camp”, ISIM-News letter, No. 10, July, 2002 ( Leiden, Netherlands)

Director and organizer of Symposium on “Poverty in Palestine and Palestinian Diaspora” at the First International Congress of Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), Mainz, Germany, 7-14 September 2002

Spaces of Poverty. Upgrading / Downgrading the Palestinian Refugee Camps in Jordan, Paper presented at WOCMES, Mainz, Germany, 7-14 September 2002

"The Arab-Israeli Conflict in Egyptian Cinema" , Paper presented at the Second Symposium on "Mythos Ägypten", organized by the University of Mainz, 24-26 October (to be published in "Augenblick", 2004)

"Discovering the Other: "Arab-Jewish" Youth Encounters in Arab Cinemas" , Paper presented at the international conference on "Youth and Youth Culture in the Middle East", organized by the Danish Institute of Culture in Damascus and the University of Damascus, Damascus, Syria, 12-16 December 2002


Gated Communities in Russia and Ukraine: From Appartchiks’ Closed Areas to New-Rich Housing Projects”, Paper presented at the First International Workshop on Gated Communities, 6 th DAVO-congress, Hamburg 1999

French-Arab Cinema Co-Productions: Stereotypes, Gender and Politics”, Paper presented at the First International Workshop on Cinema and Orient, 2-4, December 1999, Hamburg,

Transformations in Palestinian Refugee Camps in Amman Metropolitan Area”, Paper presented at a Workshop on “Transitions in Jordan 1990-2000”, CERMOC, Amman, Jordan

Re-Thinking the Civil War in Lebanon: “West Beirut” by Zyiad Doueiri”, Paper presented at the Second International Workshop on Cinema and Orient, 8-9, September 2000, Mainz

Chair of a Panel on “Palestinian Refugee Camps”, 7 th DAVO-congress, Mainz, 2000

SocioeconomicTransformation Processes in Al-Wihdat Refugee Camp”, Paper presented at the 7 th DAVO-congress, Mainz, 2000