Lecture Series SoSe 2024


Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft Lecture Series
Kontakt: Tim Nahtz (nahtztim@uni-mainz.de)

Die Lecture Series bietet jeden Donnerstag die Möglichkeit einen spannenden Vortrag über aktuelle geographische Themen mitzuerleben. Gastdozenten sprechen über ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte und im Anschluss wird in der Diskussion über interessante Punkte debattiert und Fragen beantwortet.
Every Thursday, the Lecture Series offers the opportunity to attend an exciting lecture on current geographic topics. Guest lecturers talk about their main research topics and afterwards the discussion offers the possibility to debate interesting points and answer questions.

Donnerstags 16 Uhr c.t., Senats-Saal Nat.-Fak. /
Thursdays 16 c.t., Senats-Saal Nat.-Fak.


DateSpeaker/ TitleModeration
25.04.24Prof. Dr. Christian Dorsch (University of Osnabrück) „Digitality for Future? How digital media can contribute to education for sustainable development“

(will take place in N3)
Dr. M. Plien
02.05.24Dr. Jochen Laub (University Landau) „Sustainability and Responsibility in Geography Education“Prof. Dr. V. Cummings
16.05.24Dr. Manuel Chevalier (University of Bonn) „Harnessing proxy data uncertainties to improve pollen-based climate reconstructions in the tropics”Prof. Dr. J. Esper
23.05.24Dr. Mattia Sacco (Curtin University,Perth) „Groundwater a hidden ecosystem”Jun.-Prof. Dr. R. Reinecke
13.06.24Dr. Delf Rothe (University Hamburg) „Climate of Uncertainty – Technology, Knowledge, and Governance in the Anthropocene”Prof. Dr. J. Verne
20.06.24Prof. Dr. Daniel Veres (Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania) “The Danube loess: a high-resolution record of past environmental change in continental Europe”

(will take place in N3)
Dr. P. Fischer
27.06.24Dr. Eugenia Zandona (State University of Rio de Janeiro) „Why do we lose women throughout the academic career?”Prof. Dr. E. Ziaco
04.07.24Absolventenverabschiedung und Geosommerfest
11.07.24Prof. Dr. Sascha Dickel (JGU Mainz) „Science in the age of digital participation”Jun.-Prof. Dr. V. Brinks
18.07.24Prof. Dr. Nele Meyer (University of Frankfurt) „Influence of climate change on carbon dynamics in the soil-plant-atmosphere system”Dr. S. Scherer